- Adipokine study and measurement
- Metabolic cell function : studies on isolated adipocytes (lipolysis and glucose uptake) and muscle (glucose uptake)
- RNA study by real time quantitative PCR
- Protein analysis : Western blot, receptor studies (radioligand binding), enzyme activity (SSAO, MAO, ATX…)
- Lipids and phospholipids biochemistry
- Cell culture : murine adipocyte (3T3F442A, SGBS) and muscle (C2C12) cell lines, primary -culture of adipocytes (human, mouse), stable and transient transfections
- Pharmacological studies in vitro and in vivo
- Breeding and functionnal genomics on transgenic and obese models in mouse, Diet-Induced-Obesity, body composition (lean/fat mass) follow up, food/water intake measurement
- Lipid and glucose metabolism in mouse
- Oxygen consumption and respiratory quotient measurements in vivo
- Real time NO and H2O2 production in tissues.